Medical Weight Loss

Our weight loss program is a physician-supervised and clinically-proven approach that helps our patients achieve and maintain a healthy weight. After an in-depth consultation with each patient, our medical team creates an individualized and comprehensive plan tailored just for you. Personalization is key in our program.    For some it’s losing weight under time constraint for an event or trying to create a new life style  and feel more alive.  We value your input and desire to tailor this program to ensure success.

We use a combination of vitamin injectables, FDA approved medications, and or IV infusion cocktails to turn your body into a fat burning machine.  Our program also includes a meal plan, exercise regimen and weekly follow ups to ensure accountability and support along the way.


 Body Contouring

Contoura is a body-focused workstation that can be utilized for overall body, cellulite and skin smoothing treatments, without incisions or downtime.

Body FX

What is it?

BodyFX is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses radio-frequency (RF) energy to reduce the appearance of cellulite and tighten the skin. It is often used to treat areas of the body such as the thighs, buttocks, and stomach. The treatment is designed to improve the appearance of cellulite and sagging skin by stimulating collagen production and promoting fat breakdown. It is a safe and effective treatment with minimal downtime.

Why we love it?

  • No downtime- BodyFX has no downtime so its perfect for anyone with a busy schedule. You can go about your normal life after the treatment!

  • No needles- BodyFX uses RF energy to give you the results you need without the pain associated with needles.

  • No asymmetries- BodyFX can be used to lessen unsightly pockets of fat. Uneven fat deposits can benefit from this customized treatment.

What to expect at your visit

  • Consultation: You will meet with a medical team member to discuss your concerns and goals for treatment. They will assess your overall health and determine if BodyFX is a suitable treatment option for you.

  • Preparation: The team will apply a numbing agent and will use a LightStim pro-panel on area/s be treated. They will clean and dry the area/s.

  • Treatment: The medical team member will use a handheld device to deliver RF energy to the desired area/s. The device will be moved over the area to ensure that the energy is evenly distributed.

  • Aftercare: After the treatment, the team will go over aftercare instructions.The length of the treatment will depend on the size of the treatment area and your specific concerns.

Forma Body Contouring

What is it?

Forma is a non-invasive skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of sagging skin, and wrinkles. The treatment is designed to be quick and convenient, with little to no downtime required. Forma is often used on the neck, jawline, and face.

Why we love it?

  • No downtime- Forma  has no downtime so its perfect for anyone with a busy schedule. You can go about your normal life after the treatment!

  • Lifts the face- Forma plumps and lift the face.  Perfect for an event or night out!

  • Tighter skin- Forma Plus can make your skin feel tight and supple!

What to expect at your visit

  • Consultation: You will meet with a medical team member to discuss your concerns and goals for treatment. They will assess your overall health and determine if Forma is a suitable treatment option for you.

  • Preparation: The team will apply a numbing agent and will use a LightStim pro-panel on area/s be treated. They will clean and dry the area/s.

  • Treatment: The medical team member will clean and apply a gel, then use a handheld device to deliver RF energy to the desired area/s. The device will be moved over the area to ensure that the energy is evenly distributed.

  • Aftercare: After the treatment, the team will go over aftercare instructions.The length of the treatment will depend on the size of the treatment area and your specific concerns.

Mini FX

What is it?

Microneedling PRP (platelet-rich plasma) hair injections are a type of treatment that involves injecting a concentrated solution of platelets into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. Platelets are cells that are found in the blood and are known for their ability to promote healing and tissue repair. The PRP solution is created by drawing a small amount of blood from the patient, separating out the platelets, and then re-injecting them into the scalp. PRP hair injections are sometimes used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other hair loss treatments such as hair transplant surgery.

Why we love it?

  • Improves tone and texture of the skin

  • Diminishes acne scars

  • Stimulates collagen production

What to expect at your visit

  • Consultation: You will meet with a medical team member to discuss your concerns and goals for treatment. They will assess your overall health and determine if microneedling PRP is a suitable treatment option for you.

  • Preparation: The medical team member will clean and numb the areas being treated. A Lightstim pro-panel will be placed on the areas for thirty minutes.  A medical team member will withdraw a blood sample from you.  After the thirty minutes,, they will  clean and wipe off the numbing agent.

  • Treatment: The medical team member will use the microneedling device create the purposeful damage the area/s being treated.  Then, the PRP will be massaged into your skin.  You will then be placed under the Lightstim pro-panel to help circulation and close the pores.

  • Aftercare: After the treatment, the team will go over aftercare instructions.The length of the treatment is one hour.

 Votiva-Forma V

What is it?

Votiva/FormaV is a non-invasive treatment designed to improve the appearance of women's intimate areas. It uses radiofrequency (RF) energy and heat to stimulate collagen production and improve the tone and texture of the skin. Votiva/FormaV is often used to treat issues such as vaginal laxity, dryness, and urinary incontinence.

Why we love it?

  • No surgery- There’s no need to go under the knife for amazing results. Votiva/FormaV is a painless procedure.

  • Rejuvenating- Feel younger and confident inside and out!

  • Lasting results - Results can be seen immediately after the procedure, and the benefits are compounding!

What to expect at your visit

  • Consultation: You will meet with a medical team member to discuss your concerns and goals for treatment. They will assess your overall health and determine if Votiva/FormaV is a suitable treatment option for you.

  • Preparation: The medical team member will allow you time to change into a robe and help you onto the treatment bed.

  • Treatment: The medical team member will apply a gel to the device, then use a it to deliver RF energy to the areas. The device will be moved over the skin to ensure that the energy is evenly distributed.   

  • Aftercare: After the treatment, the team will go over aftercare instructions.The length of the treatment is one hour.